The American Midas


Annibale Caracci – Apollo gives the ass’ears to Midas

Though the rest was human, he was punished in that sole aspect: he wore the ears of a slow-moving ass. He was anxious to conceal them, and tried to detract from the shameful ugliness of his head with a purple turban. But the servant who used to trim his long hair with a blade, found it out, who, since he dare not reveal the disgrace he had seen, but eager to broadcast it to the four winds, and unable to keep it to himself, went off quietly and dug a hole in the soil. In a tiny voice, he whispered to the hollow earth, and buried his spoken evidence under the infill, and stole away having closed up the hidden trench. But a thick bed of quivering reeds began to shoot up there, and as soon as they had grown, at the end of the year, they gave the burrower away: stirred gently, then, by the wind they repeated the buried words, and testified against his master. Ovid Metamorphoses XI

In the presidential election of November 8 2016 the billionaire tycoon Donald Trump was elected president of the United States of America. Without any prior governmental or military experience and opposed by the cultural and entertainment elite he was eventually able to collect the votes of rural and deindustrialized zones and people who saw this eminent outsider as a possibility of change.

The geniture


The temperament

Mars is rising at the horoscope in the bounds of Mars. The Sun, Lord of the Horoscope, is in Gemini in the bounds of Mars and he trines Mars. The Moon in Sagittarius trines Mars and she is moving away by hexagon from her lord Jupiter. So the Lords of Temperament are Mars and Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter are both occidental. Jupiter is in his second station. Moreover Regulus, the heart of Leo, is rising at the horoscope. Regulus is of nature of Mars and Jupiter and so the rulership over the body of Mars and Jupiter is again stressed. The Moon is almost perfecting the opposition to the Sun, that is Full Moon, and so very hot. Therefore Trump’s predominant quality is hot and his temperament is Choleric Sanguine.

Ptolemy says:

When Jupiter is setting, he makes his subjects light, to be sure, but not as before, in such a way as to give them a good colour, and with lank hair or even bald in front and on the crown, and of average stature; in temperament they have an excess of the moist.

When he [Mars] is setting, he makes them in appearance simply ruddy, of middle height, with small eyes, not much hair on the body, and straight yellow hair; their temperament exceeds in the dry.

Since Jupiter is near to his highest boreal altitude Trump’s body is big and fleshy but agile.

The Moon is with Shaula a harmful star in the Sting of Scorpio which brings damage to the eyes.

The soul

Mercury is in Cancer, occidental and making the evening heliacal rising. Mercury is almost feralis, that is alone, except for a parallel in mundo with Jupiter which is his Lord by exaltation. Since Jupiter is the Lord of the Moon as we have already seen, Jupiter is the Lord of the Soul. Jupiter is occidental, in his second station, dignified by term, in a cadent house because of the ptolemaic rule of 5 dead degrees.

Jupiter in a equinoctial sign produces souls fitted for dealing with the people, fond of turbulence and political activity, glory-seeking; in his evening station he produces souls noble and wise, but with mediocre memory, not painstaking nor fond of labour, but investigators of hidden things, says Ptolemy. Moreover Jupiter is in his proper face or almugea to the Sun and so he gives a liberal, simple, self-willed, strong, noble person.

If Jupiter alone has the domination of the soul, in honourable positions he makes his subjects magnanimous, generous, god-fearing, honourable, pleasure-loving, kind, magnificent, liberal, just, high-minded, dignified, minding their own business, compassionate, fond of discussion, beneficent, affectionate, with qualities of leadership. If he chances to be in the opposite kind of position, he makes their souls seem similar, to be sure, but with a difference in the direction of greater humility, less conspicuousness, and poorer judgement. For example, instead of magnanimity, he endows them with prodigality; instead of reverence for the gods, with superstition; instead of modesty, with cowardice; instead of dignity, with conceit; instead of kindness, with foolish simplicity; instead of the love of beauty, with love of pleasure; instead of high-mindedness, with stupidity; instead of liberality, with indifference, and the like.

Here the Jupiter’s condition is not very dignified but it is also effected by some aspects with other planets. Firstly Jupiter is in mutual reception with Saturn and Venus by a quartile aspect both in mundo and in the zodiac since Jupiter is in Libra, domicile of Venus and exaltation of Saturn and Venus and Saturn are conjuncted in Cancer, exaltation of Jupiter. But Saturn and Venus are superior to Jupiter. Venus in right square with Jupiter gives a strong desire for women; he will love beautiful ladies and possibly harlots. Moreover the conjunction of Saturn and Venus corrupts the passive part of the soul and makes him even more prone to desire and indulgence in pleasures. The other aspect is Mars in sextile in mundo with Jupiter. Mars is very strong since he is angular but he is out-of-sect therefore he make Trump active and commanding but bossy and despotic. Here Mars is also in aspect with the Moon close to the Full Moon, so the choleric mood effects even more the sensitive soul. Moreover the Moon is with Shaula a harmful star of nature of Mercury and Mars.

Lets note that the Moon is actually not only very close to the Full Moon but also with Cauda, that is, Trump was born during a lunar eclipse though not visible from USA during his birth. This peculiar configuration is by itself quite critical and it effects the native strongly, in particular it clouds the sensitive soul and if had not been for the presence of Jupiter and the antiparallel between the Moon and Mercury, the angular Mars would have brought a serious illness to his soul.

The profession

Mercury is making the evening heliacal rising and so he is the Lord of Activity. Mercury is in parallel in mundo with Jupiter which is his exaltation lord, so Jupiter testifies Mercury.

Says Ptolemy:

For if Mercury governs action, to speak generally, he makes his subjects scribes, men of business, calculators, teachers, merchants, bankers, soothsayers, astrologers, sacrificers, and in general those who perform their functions by means of documents, interpretation, and giving and taking.

If it is Jupiter that witnesses, they will be law-makers, orators, sophists, who enjoy familiarity with great persons.

The Material Fortune

The Lot of Fortune is angular, with the descendent. It is in aversion with its Lord Saturn in exile in Cancer. But Saturn is aspected by benefics: he is conjuncted with Venus and squared by Jupiter in mutual reception as we have already seen. Moreover the Lot of Fortune is aspected by the Luminars, Jupiter and Mars. The trines of the Sun and Jupiter are quite beneficial but the opposition of Mars from the ascendent seems to indicate a sudden reversal of fortune or loss due to unwary and impulsive actions.

Lets note that both the Lot of Fortune and the Lot of Spirit are with Vega, the star of nature of Mercury and Venus, in the constellation of Lyra. Stade says:

The Lyra in the second house or with Jupiter or Venus or with the Lot of Fortune, gives great wealth.

Here Vega is not in the second house but she is with the Lot of Fortune aspected by Jupiter in the second house.

The Dignity

In Trump’s geniture we don’t find any proper doryphory. Mercury, which is making the vespertine heliacal rising and he is the Lord of the Sun by domicile, is unfit in a day chart to be a proper doryphoros of the Sun, since by his phase he is nocturnal.  Anyway Mercury is in parallel in mundo with Jupiter, his Lord by exaltation. This testimony is a sign of a dignified person and also of his father since the Sun is angular in the X house.

More significative is the star Regulus rising at the horoscope with Mars.  Rethorius the Egyptian says:

[Regulus] makes honored generals, subjecting and administering lands and cities and nations, and frightful men and commander and generals, administrator, those who shaken up, unconquered, outspoken, contentious, effective, shrewd, manly, those likely to conquer, with much property and very wealth, magnanimous and ambitious, fond of nice things, but not coming to an entirely good end.

The additional presence of the out-of-sect Mars makes those features even more pronounced and promises a possible bad end.

The Presidential Election


In the Solar Return we see that the Lot of Fortune is in Scorpio with her Lord Mars. They are also in sextile in mundo with Jupiter and angular, at the IC,  in the geniture and so Mars and Lot of Fortune of Revolution testimonies the horoscope and Mars of nativity. Mars in this chart is the Lord of the MC by domicile and terms signifying that some important achievement are going to be realized. The Moon is moving from Mercury to Saturn, the Lord of Lot of Fortune in nativity. The Moon is also in square with the natal Mercury, which is the Lord of Activity.


In the Profection Mercury is with the MC of nativity. The horoscope and Mars are with Venus and Saturn of nativity. Saturn and Venus are in opposition to the Moon of nativity.


We see in the direction a perfect conjunction of the Moon with Jupiter of nativity.

A Look into the future

On 21th August 2017 a Solar Eclipse will be visible in North America.

Solar Eclipse August 2017.png

Ptolemy says:

Usually, however, those men are affected by the more universal ills who in their own genitures happen to have the most essential places, by which I mean those of the luminaries or of the angles, the same as those that furnish the cause of the general misfortunes, that is, the places of the eclipses or the places directly opposite. Of these the positions most dangerous and hardest to avoid are those in which either of the luminaries is in possession of the very degree of the place of the eclipse, or the degree opposite.

In this eclipse we see that the Luminaries are on the horoscope of Trump’s geniture. Moreover Saturn in Sagittarius in the I house is exactly with the Moon of Trump’s nativity. Also Mars is close to the Mars of nativity, as Jupiter with Jupiter of nativity and Venus with Venus and Saturn of nativity.

The Solar Eclipse will last for about 3 hours and half so the beginning of its effects will start at the end of April 2018 and will last till the end of October 2021. The intensification will start at the end of August 2020.

On the 27th May 2018 we see a direction of Mars to the Moon of nativity.


In the Solar Revolution for the 2017 even if Jupiter is rising on the Horoscope of Revolution and in conjunction with the Jupiter of Nativity, others elements are not so beneficial. The Lord of the ascendent, Venus, is in Taurus in aversion with the horoscope and, more noteworthy, Saturn is conjunction with the Moon of nativity and in opposition to the Sun of nativity.

Solar Revolution 2017.png

Trump probably will face hard times during his presidential term especially from the end of April 2018. Definitely it will be very improbable that he will be reelected.

3 thoughts on “The American Midas

  1. Pod nieboskłonem

    Thank you for your article!
    I found my post from forum about his 2nd house matters: “almuten of 2nd house topic in Donald Trump chart is Saturn. Saturn in 3rd decan of Cancer, which is described by Austin Coppock in his book as The overflowing cup – excess of luxury. It sound very reliable for millionaire who earns also through buying losing properties and turning them around. Ok, you could say that Saturn in Cancer is weak. Yeah, but his Saturn is not when we think about money. Saturn is in conj with benefic, Venus, and – what is more important – with Pollux. Nina Gryphon in her lecture about money in natal charts highlighted words of William Lilly who writes in Christian Astrology: “The fixed stars give great gifts, and elevate even from poverty to an extreme height of fortune, the seven planets do not do so.” Pollux is not the most beneficial fixed star but his methods of earning (and loosing money) also are not very nice, but Pollux is immortal”

    1. devitacoelituscomparanda Post author

      Thank you! Fixed stars are very powerful. In particular when they are conjuncted with angles, planets and important significators. In my opinion fixed stars are indicators of an inescapable fate and even when they promise a bright and clear benefit they often have a sharp and bitter aftertaste. They are too far from human lives and their motion is too regular, moved by adamant necessity and so men bear their influx with difficulty and strain. About the decans, I must say, it’s a fascinating topic. The images and aphorisms associated with them are evocative and mesmerizing but it’s not easy to use them in a chart judgment and their rationale is obscure. If it’s correct that decans were developed by Egyptians as a stellar clock they should have corresponded to groups of star in the sky raising and culminating every ten minutes. But this kind of phenomena depends heavily on the location and time of observation, therefore it’s impossible to restore their original use and sense. We can only rely on the later systematization which made them overlap on the threefold division of each zodiacal sign. Personally I’m not satisfied by this solution. I prefer to use only the aphorisms and meaning of the stars which come to us from the tradition, especially because it seems probable that in some cases the decans had inherited their meaning by the most bright stars which were contained in them.

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