Tag Archives: Cardan

The roof of the world shakes


“If there is a deep mountain
Without shake it should maintain” – The Six Similes of Meditation – Milarepa

The Nepalese earthquake that happened in April was one of the worst ever occurred: more than 8,800 people were killed and 23,000 injured. Many people were made homeless and entire villages were flattened and houses and historical buildings completely destroyed.

According to Ptolemy in mundane astrology we should expect to find a suitable eclipse which acts as herald announcing the incoming event. But if we search in the previous months and years we don’t find an eclipse visible from Nepal which occurred in the suitable range of time. The only eclipse which fulfill such requirements was the Moon eclipse on the 4th of April 2015. I was prepared to find something more rare and striking than a trivial lunar eclipse. I noted though that the epicenter was close in longitude to the places of earth when the comet Lovejoy was at the meridian during the new moon of January. As I wrote about Kolkata in a previous post The emerald messenger, during the new Moon after the first visibility of the comet by necked eye, the comet Lovejoy was at the Medium Coeli in localities which have roughly the same longitude of Kolkata. Below we can see the sky during the new Moon in January 20th 13:13 UT for the epicenter Besisahar, Lamjung, Nepal.

Comet Loverjover over Lamjung

Comet Loverjover over Lamjung



The comet Lovejoy is close to the Meridian, reaching the upper pivot. It has already crossed the ecliptic and it is just north of the ecliptic in the constellation of Aries near the stars of the tail of Aries as Botain. Moreover the comet is roughly at the zenit over Besisahar.

Gerolamo Cardano  in the Libellus de Supplemento Almanach, chapter X, wrote:

“Habent hae stellae potestatem magnam supra loca, quoniam semel qualibet die supra civitatem perpendiculariter insistunt”

“The stars have great power over those places over which once in a day are perpendicular”

Below we see the chart for that moment.
Lovejoy Nepal

The comet is with the malefic star Algol, the Head of Medusa at the Medium Coeli. Since the comet is in the sign of Taurus affects those places under the influence of the triangle of earth and sign of Taurus. and Nepal is under the influence of Capricorn as India then the comet has lordship over it. Furthermore the comet is greenish, quick, with a long tail so its nature is mainly of Mercury and secondarily of Venus. As Cardano says

If it’s mercurial makes lighting bolts, thunders, earthquakes, strong winds and destructive tempests also new arts and inventions though dangerous for humans.

Let’s look at the chart for the Moon eclipse on the 4th of April.
Lunar Eclipse Nepal


The lord of the Moon, Venus is in Taurus but in aversion with her, doing no aspects (feralis) and  with the place where comet was in the previous chart. Moreover Saturn which has lordship over the syzygy is with the Graffias, the star of the head of Scorpio.

Below we see the chart for the earthquake. The Sun, Lord of the horoscope, is at the Medium Coeli. The Moon is in the XII house with Sirius moving from Mercury and  Mars in Taurus in the X house to Saturn in Sagittarius. Mercury and Mars are conjuncted with the star Algol in the place where the comet was at her first appearance during the new Moon of January.

Nepal earthquake


The darkened equinox


The next 20th of March, just before the vernal equinox, a solar eclipse will be visible in the northern hemisphere from Europe, Eastern Asia and North Africa.

The total solar eclipse will occur across the far Northern regions of Europe and the Arctic and will be visible from the the Faroe Islands and Svalbard. The longest duration of totality for this eclipse will be 2 minutes and 46 seconds as viewed off the coast of the Faroe Islands. This will be the last total solar eclipse in Europe for over a decade. The next not being until August 12, 2026.

In the rest of Europe will be visible a partial eclipse casting a darker shadow over regions closer to eclipse path.Eclipse path 20th March 2015


Let’s look at the chart of this solar eclipse.

Since either Faroe Island or Svalbard are too close to the North Pole, being beyond the 60° parallel it’s not possible to cast an horoscope for that localities since the movement of ecliptic across the eastern horizon is not regular and so the Placidian horary house system, that I use, can not be used.

So let’s cast the horoscope for a place close to the eclipse northern path but still with latitude inferior to 60° parallel. Inverness in Scotland, UK will be suitable. This horoscope will be useful to inspect the eclipse general meaning.Solar Eclipse 2015 Inverness

The syzygy of the luminaries will occur at the 29° of Pisces. Since Cauda, the South Node, is at 11° of Aries we should expect the eclipse to take place in Aries. In this case Cauda, being at the beginning of Aries, and solar lunar conjunction in the last degree of Pisces are close enough to originate a partial solar eclipse. This event is quite rare.

Let’s try to find the lordship over this eclipse. Ptolemy in his Quadripartitum, Chapter 7 ‘Of the Class of those Affected’ paragraph, says

The third heading is that of generic classification, whereby one must determine what classes the event will affect. This is ascertained from the special nature and form of the zodiacal signs in which happen to be the places of the eclipses and in which are the heavenly bodies, planets and fixed stars alike, that govern both the sign of the eclipse and that of the angle preceding the eclipse. In the case of the planets we discover the rulership of these regions thus: The one which has the greatest number of relationships to both the regions aforesaid, that of the eclipse and that of the angle which follows it, both by virtue of the nearest visible applications or recessions, by those of the aspects which bear a relation, and furthermore by rulership of the houses, triangles, exaltations, and terms, that planet alone will hold the dominance. However, if the same planet is not found to be both lord of the eclipse and of the angle, we must take together the two which have the greatest number of familiarities, as aforesaid, to either one of the regions, giving preference to the lord of the eclipse. And if several rivals be found on either count, we shall prefer for the domination the one which is closest to an angle, or is more significant, or is more closely allied by sect. In the case of the fixed stars, we shall take the first one of the brilliant stars which signifies upon the preceding angle at the actual time of the eclipse, according to the nine kinds of visible aspects defined in our first compilation, and the star which of the group visible at the time of the eclipse has either risen or reached meridian with the angle following the place of the eclipse.

In trying to figure out the ruler of the eclipse we cannot take into account the angle following the eclipse, which is for the majority of places across Europe the upper pivot, because it changes from place to place. We will consider its influence in particular charts which will be studied later.

As we see from the  Planetary Dignities Table below, Jupiter, Venus, Mars and Saturn have dignity over the syzygy’s place.

Eclipse 2015 Dignities Table


The Moon, after the conjunction with the Sun, will be applying to Saturn with a trine. Saturn is in    Sagittarius and receive the Moon which is in the term of Saturn. The Sun in also in trine with Saturn.  Moreover the Sun is in mutual reception with  Jupiter which is at the edge of the Sun vis luminis. Jupiter is also in in trine with Saturn and its lord too. Both Saturn and Jupiter are retrograde.

Due to the liminal characteristic of this eclipse, during the sun obscuration, which last more than two hour from start to end for most of the places in Europe, the Moon will move to the sign of Aries. The Moon will be so in the term of Jupiter, in the domicile of Mars.

So we can conclude that Saturn is the lord of the eclipse with the aid of Jupiter and participation of Mars.

Says Ptolemy:

Saturn, when he gains sole dominance, is in general the cause of destruction by cold, and in particular, when the event concerns men, causes long illnesses, consumptions, withering, disturbances caused by fluids, rheumatisms, and quartan fevers, exile, poverty, imprisonment, mourning, fears, and deaths, especially among those advanced in age.He is usually significant with regard to those dumb animals that are of use to man, and brings about scarcity of them, and the bodily destruction by disease of such as exist, so that the men who use them are similarly affected and perish. With regard to weather, he causes fearful cold, freezing, misty, and pestilential; corruption of the air, clouds, and gloom; furthermore, multitudes of snowstorms, not beneficial but destructive, from which are produced the reptiles harmful to man. As for the rivers and seas, in general he causes storms, the wreck of fleets, disastrous voyages, and the scarcity and death of fish, and in particular the high and ebb tides of the seas and in rivers excessive floods and pollution of their waters. As for the crops of the earth, he brings about want, scarcity, and loss, especially of those grown for necessary uses, either through worms or locusts or floods or cloud-burst or hail or the like, so that famine and the destruction of men thereby result.

Here the rulership is not of Saturn alone. Jupiter bring a soothing effect and the incoming influence of Mars let us think of a more violent and sudden tone toward the end of eclipse influence.

We can forecast something like an ongoing economic recession concerning European countries especially the northern ones ending with demonstrations and social conflicts or a enduring cold weather condition that will be fatal to European agriculture or a flood which will threat man and animals.

Moreover, being the eclipse in the constellation of Pisces:

In the constellations pertaining to rivers, such as Aquarius and Pisces, they concern the rivers and springs;

in bicorporeal sign

eclipse has significance for men and kings;

in signs near the mid‑heaven above the earth

concerning sacred rites and kings.

So fluvial floods or epidemic disease or imprisonment or death of political leaders can be possible outcomes.

About the extent of the effects, Ptolemy say:

To the question, how large a portion of the class involved will the event affect, the answer is supplied by the extent of the obscuration of the eclipses, and by the positions relative to the place of the eclipse held by the stars which furnish the cause. For when they are occidental to solar eclipses, or oriental to lunar, they usually affect a minority; in opposition, a half; and the majority, if they are oriental to solar eclipses or occidental to lunar.

Since Saturn is oriental, moving toward the opposition to the Sun the effects will involved more than half especially in the northern parts.

Now let’s consider the places which will be affected by the eclipse. We have to consider two element:

  1. The places of maximum obscuration
  2. The place ruled by the element trine of the zodiac sign in which the eclipse occured

The places of maximum obscuration are located in the far northern Europe, while the part of earth under the rulership  of watery triangle and Pisces, according to Ptolemy, are North of Africa, in particular Libya and the Anatolian Peninsula in particular Turkey. In those regions eclipse will be quite weak though.
Taking in account that the Moon will pass in Aries during the eclipse we can think that countries under the rulership of Aries will be also affected. The northern Europe from France and UK through Germany till Ukraine are under the rulership of Aries.

Concerning the “Time of the Predicted Events” Ptolemy says:

Inasmuch as the eclipses which take place at the same time are not completed in the same number of ordinary hours in every locality, and since the same solar eclipses do not everywhere have the same degree of obscuration or the same time of duration, we shall first set down for the hour of the eclipse, in each of the related localities, and for the altitude of the pole, centres, as in a nativity; secondly, how many equinoctial hours the obscuration of the eclipse lasts in each. For when these data are examined, if it is a solar eclipse, we shall understand that the predicted event lasts as many years as the equinoctial hours which we discover, and if a lunar eclipse, as many months. The nature of the beginnings and of the more important intensifications of the events, however, are deduced from the position of the place of the eclipse relative to the centres. For if the place of the eclipse falls on the eastern horizon, this signifies that the beginning of the predicted event is in the first period of four months from the time of the eclipse and that its important intensifications lies in the first third of the entire period of its duration; if on the mid‑heaven, in the second four months and the middle third; if upon the western horizon, in the third four months and the final third.

Since the average duration of the phenomenon is about 2 hours and half and eclipse falls close to the mid-heaven, the events will lasts for two year and half and will start around the first months of summer 2015 and will last till the end of 2017. The effects will be more intense between June 2016 and March 2017.

Lastly Cardan says (aphorism 34, Section 7 in ‘Aphorismorum astrologicorum segmenta septem’):

If there will be eclipse or comets in earth signs announces famine because of drought; if in watery signs,famine and scourges by heavy rains; if in airy signs, winds and uprisings; if in fire signs, wars

Since this eclipse is also the syzygy before the equinox, the beginning of Spring season, it is significative of the general temper of incoming Spring. Here the lacking of light due to the solar eclipse signifies a cold season. Since Saturn trines Jupiter we can expected a cold and rainy Spring. Saturn is mainly dry and Jupiter is hot and wet because they are retrograde. Since they are both in fire signs and Jupiter is Lord of Saturn, the effect is milder and the season will not be cold but changeable. Saturn also trines Mercury so there will be also dry winds.

The emerald messenger


“When beggars die there are no comets in the sky. The heavens only announce the deaths of princes”  Julius Caesar – Shakespeare

The green comet  C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy) is now visible by naked eye in the northern hemisphere. It was discovered by Australian comet-hunter Terry Lovejoy in the last August.

Comets tend to brighten as they draw nearer the sun that binds them in orbit. Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy  over the past months, has been getting brighter at it heads toward its January 30 perihelion or closest point to the sun. The comet’s coma (or atmosphere surrounding the comet’s icy nucleus) has grown as the comet has neared the sun. Moreover Comet Lovejoy was closest to Earth on January 7, 2015 so that date marked the beginning of the best time to see the comet. The comet will reach the peak of brightness at magnitude 4.2 on 11 Jan 2015.

Stars and heavenly bodies are visible by naked eye if they have magnitude less than 7. As we can see here for the observation point placed in Rome the comet became visible from naked eye from the second half of last month:Comet Ephemeris

The comet will cross the ecliptic around the half of January in the constellation of Taurus and Aries.

Cometa C2014 Q2 LovejoyC

Cardano in his commentaries to the Ptolemaic Quadripartitum reports an example of a comet chart from the astrologer Haly. The chosen time for its erection was the time of the new Moon after the first visibility of the comet. We know that syzygy are crucial moment for forecasting the climate of a period till the following syzygy and that they were used very much in world astrology. In studying a comet the new moon was chosen by Haly because in absence of Moon light the comet would have been more bright and visible.

So let’s draw our comet chart for the new moon after the time of its greater brightness. The new moon will be on 20th Jun 2015. As we have already seen from the ephemeris the comet will cross the constellations of Taurus and Aries. So the comet will be in the sign of Taurus.

Ptolemy says about the comets:

We must observe, further, for the prediction of general conditions, the comets which appear either at the time of the eclipse or at any time whatever; for instance, the so‑called “beams,” “trumpets,” “jars,” and the like, for these naturally produce the effects peculiar to Mars and to Mercury — wars, hot weather, disturbed conditions, and the accompaniments of these; and they show, through the parts of the zodiac in which their heads appear and through the directions in which the shapes of their tails point, the regions upon which the misfortunes impend. Through the formations, as it were, of their heads they indicate the kind of the event and the class upon which the misfortune will take effect; through the time which they last, the duration of the events; and through their position relative to the sun likewise their beginning; for in general their appearance in the orient betokens rapidly approaching events and in the occident those that approach more slowly.

A comet in the triplicity of earth will effects some regions, according to Ptolemy:

The parts of this quarter which are situated about the centre of the inhabited world, Thrace, Macedonia, Illyria, Hellas, Achaia, Crete, and likewise the Cyclades, and the coastal regions of Asia Minor and Cyprus, which are in the south-east portion of the whole quarter, have in addition familiarity with the south-east triangle, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and its co‑rulers Venus, Saturn, and Mercury


Of the second quarter, which embraces the southern part of greater Asia, the other parts, including India, Ariana, Gedrosia, Parthia, Media, Persia, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, and Assyria, which are situated in the south-east of the whole inhabited world, are, as we might presume, familiar to the south-eastern triangle, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, and are governed by Venus and Saturn in oriental aspects.

Since the comet will be in the sign of Taurus we can expect that something will happen in those regions of earth which are under the lordship of the triangle of earth and in particular of the sign of Taurus. The comet will be at the Midheaven on the 20th from places like eastern India, Bangladesh, Tibet which are under the influence of Capricorn sign.
For places like Iran, Iraq, Pakistan which are under the sign of Taurus the comet will be between the upper pivot and the XI place.
For places like Balkans, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey which also are under the sign of Taurus will be around the XI place.


Ptolemy says that comets have nature of Mars and Mercury and also the nature shown by its color. The greenish bluish comet so should have nature of Venus and Mercury since green is related to Venus and multi coloring to Mercury. Also the it shape shows it’s mercurial as Cardan says that mercurial comets are with coma, little, bright, of many colors and with a long tail.  The comet will be close to the stars of the tail of the Aries as Botein which have nature of Venus and is a star of passionate nature.  Since the comet is occidental to the Sun the event will start lately,  Cardan says. Moving from south to north an event coming from the south will effects places which are more in the north. The comet is moving also slightly against the order of zodiacal sign indicating, says Cardan, a change in a religion or disorder related to religious matters. Since Venus is a natural signifier of Islamic religion the event could effect some countries with a significant presence of Muslims or involving Muslim groups. Moreover Cardan says

If the comet is venereal it produces ravenous illness, paralysis, violent fevers, heretics, seditious and demagogic leaders, seditions especially in the Muslim religion. If it’s mercurial makes lighting bolts, thunders, earthquakes,  strong winds and destructive tempests also new arts and inventions though dangerous for humans.

So in brief we can say that the comet will bring an event in countries placed in the south east of Europe or in the south of Asia. The event will not show soon and will be probably related to social disorder concerning Muslim religion or a sudden natural disaster.

Let’s look at the following three chart below which are indicative of chart for three regions which could be effected by comet transit. The Moon in Aquarius is moving from the syzygy to  Saturn, her Lord, in Sagittarius  with the star of the froth of Scorpio. Venus the Lord of the comet is in Aquarius opposed to Jupiter in Leo.

The first one for Nicosia in Cyprus. Here the Moon is on the VIII cusp and Venus is on the IX cusp. The Moon is also the Lord of the horoscope and Betelgeuse, of Mars Mercury nature, is rising. The comet is in the XI place with its tail toward the XII place. This figure is not good at all since the Moon, lord of Ascendent, is in aversion with the horoscope and Venus on the XI house indicates religious or ideological conflicts.

Comet Nicosia


The second chart for Tehran, Persia.

Comet Tehran

The third chart is for Kolkata in India. India is under the Capricorn but still belongs to the earth triplicity and in eastern India the comet will be at the upper pivot. Here Jupiter, the Lord of the VIII house is rising and opposes Venus and Mercury at the occidental angle.
